Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Week 37: Any Day Now

We had an appointment with our doctor today and unfortunately, they said my blood pressure was high. It's been normal throughout the whole pregnancy so they are concerned. They noticed the swelling in my hands and feet also, so I got sent for a bunch of tests to check to see if it is a problem with my liver. So, now I have to go to the doctor every 2-3 days to be monitored. Worst case scenario is they induce me as soon as the tests come back. Justin was so calm in the room and absorbing all the info, while I was on the verge of a panic attack. So glad he was there.

The baby is doing good. Her heartbeat was strong and we got to see her little face today, which she has always hidden. The bad news is she is a half turn away from being in the ideal position. Currently, she is head down, but facing my right hip instead of my spine. So, I need to get her to turn slightly or I'm in for a bit more painful labor. I've been sitting and leaning on a giant exercise ball to try to make it happen. C'mon stubborn girl! Turn for me!

In two days we will know what the plan is. That is what is scary to me - not knowing the plan. Instead of thinking I've got 3 weeks to go, I'm wondering what the doctors will decide for me. Whatever is best for the two of us works for me though.

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