Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week 1: Sleep Deprivation and Recovery

Stella is one week old and here is how we spent the first week:

We adjusted to life at home running on empty. For the first few days Justin and I were taking separate shifts. He would be up on baby watch from 8pm-3am while I slept. Then I would take over while he slept. It left us both so sleep deprived. Now we go to bed together and I wake up every two to three hours with the baby. Every now and then I wake him up to change her. He's been so great doing tons of diaper changes.

I had to run to Target and the grocery store and left her with Justin without much worry because he is so great with her. Justin had the hardest time leaving the baby to run to pick up one thing two miles away. He had to be pushed out the door. It was sweet. He always says how cute she is, which is true!

We had a nurse practitioner come to the house to check on the baby and me. Stella weighed in at 5lbs 7oz, which was a great weight gain. Because she was born at 37 weeks 6 days and 23 1/2 hours instead of 38 weeks (a 30 minute difference), she was put in a higher risk bracket so the nurse had us take her for some more blood tests to make sure she was doing well. She passed with flying colors. Next check up is in another week. As for me, my blood pressure was still high so they put me on medication to lower it. My swelling has gone down a lot, which is good. I actually have ankles!!

I had to go get my blood pressure checked two days later and there wasn't any change. Still high blood pressure and still losing protein so I have to go back in another week. Hopefully things look better.

My mom is here until next week and she has been the greatest help. I don't know what I would have done without her. It's going to be so hard to say goodbye. She makes me feel confident about being a mom. Now, our goal is to get her to move out here. We went out looking at homes to entice her.

We are so lucky to have such a wonderful baby. She is so quiet and sweet. No screaming unless she's naked, which is understandable. We are so in love with our daughter.

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