Friday, September 7, 2012

Week 28: Glucose Test and Photo Shoot

This week I had another doctor's appointment, which consisted of the much dreaded glucose test. When I got there, they handed me this bottle of orange liquid and told me I had five minutes to drink it. It tasted like a non-carbonated orange soda and actually, was not as bad as I had anticipated. After finishing it, I had a normal appointment with the doctor and everything looked good. I got to hear her little heartbeat, which was pretty rapid because of the amount of sugar I had just ingested. After the appointment, I had to get my blood drawn to test if I had developed anemia or diabetes. It is pretty common for the baby to block the insulin production and the mom develops diabetes as a result. It goes away after giving birth. I got my results the following day and my levels were all within the normal range, which was a great relief.

Also this week, we had maternity photos taken by our dear friend Matt. He is my best friend Sarah's husband, one of Justin's very close friends, and an amazing photographer. (He is our official family photographer and he will be doing all of the baby pictures as well.) We went to Washington Park and took lots of photos there and some back at their home in their backyard. While we were out, Matt was bragging about Sarah's chicken stew that she was making for dinner and invited us over to join them. His real motive was so the guys can have man time, drink some whiskey, and play video games. When we got there in the evening, Matt had already developed the film he shot and started working on the digital images. He used two different cameras during the shoot - a medium format film camera and his digital camera. Sarah, Matt, and I were all worried about how they would turn out because maternity photos can be so cheesy, but they came out amazing! The four of us sat around the table as he scrolled through them and it was so interesting to see the difference between the digitally shot images and the film ones from his medium format camera. The film were so warm and full of color. They looked like they barely needed any editing! The digitals were great as well and had a cooler tone to them. I am so excited to get them back and print them. Our house is full of photos of Justin and I from our wedding 4 years ago and it will be so nice to have some more recent ones.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so glad you are happy with the photos!! I'm excited to see them in your house!
