Sunday, June 24, 2012

Grandparent Names (Updated)

I grew up with my two sets of grandparents having distinct names - maternal grandparents are Grandma and Grandpa, while paternal grandparents are Gram and Papa. I love having special names for them, it also eliminated confusion. Having the same for my child is really important to me, especially balancing my mother, Justin's mother, Justin's stepfather, and Justin's father. Some people say that whatever the child first calls the grandparents are the names, but it is really what Justin and I teach them that will stick. From the moment they are born, they will be introduced to their grandparents with their unique names.

Ever since I told my mom that I was pregnant, she has been desperately searching for the perfect grandmother name. So far, she has only come up with a list of names that will absolutely not work for her (mostly because they make her sound old).  We have nixed Granny and Memaw. She wants something ethnic and international, which I am a little hesitant about. I have googled lists of names and everything I pitch is a no go. I haven't even started looking into grandfather alternatives for Justin's dad. Luckily, Justin's mom and stepfather will be Grandma and Grandpa. So two down, two to go!

These are some of the most interesting and funny grandma names I found: (Listed under "Trendy Names"):

Fo-Ma, Faux Ma
Glamama, Glamma, Glammy


Almost as soon as I posted this, my mom and I threw some more names out and finally settled on one! Yay! We decided she will be MeMe (pronounced like May-May). It is French so she gets her international name and it respects our family's heritage. Her mother has French roots, which I never knew about until today. I am so relieved to have picked a name and I am loving the one we picked!

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